The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64326   Message #1051104
Posted By: greg stephens
10-Nov-03 - 11:30 AM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Iranian/Persian Folk Music
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Iranian/Persian Folk Music
I cant offer any specific sources, only support. I am working in Stoeke-on-Trent, England, with refugees a lot at the moment. From all over, but chiefly Iraqi Kurds, Afghans ,some iranians, and many from Africa(mainly Zimbabwe). I go up to the hostel (where they are put in Stoke on first arrival) carrying asssorted drums (manily African djembes because that's what I've got). Plus my guitar and squeezebox. Kate Barfield comes as well with her fiddle, and a spare fiddle. We lay instruments out invitingly on the floor, play a couple of tunes or songs ourselves, then grin. And see what happens.
    Which has been a lot over the years,leading to all sortsd of recordings, gigs, social get-togethers, etc etc. We've never needed to know foreign songs ourselves, people seem to bring them with them, and the availability of drums and other insturments to have a go on loosens things up, even if people are non-players.
Give us a progress report. Send me a PM and I'll send you a recording of things that have happened here.