The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22283   Message #1051124
Posted By: GUEST,ClaireBear
10-Nov-03 - 12:11 PM
Thread Name: Origins: The Days of Forty Nine
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: PBS version of Days of 49
Hey Larry! Sorry, I was hoping to get you definitive lyrics for this, but Alan didn't have them handy. He says, though, that he got the song directly from a University of California Press book; unfortunately he didn't quite get around to giving me the exact title of said book in the course of the (rather hectic) Guy Fawkes concert we were giving together.

So I checked the UC Press Web site this morning, and I believe the book in question is likely to be this one:

Rohrbough, Malcolm J. Days of Gold: The California Gold Rush and the American Nation. 1997, University of California Press.

The book description doesn't mention song lyrics, but since the title of the book is itself a reference to the song, I'd guess they're in there. The publication year is about right, too.

So now, the next question is how good inter-library loan is in your area...

Good luck! If you get stumped, I'll try again, but since my brother isn't e-mailable, it won't be very efficient. Sigh.
