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Thread #64280   Message #1051357
Posted By: GUEST,Strick
10-Nov-03 - 08:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'a totally needless war'
Subject: RE: BS: 'a totally needless war'
Funny, NAFTA was considered a sellout here in the US, too. We're not aware of any punitive actions being taken against Canada. The way the dollar has declined in value, I'm not surprise that we're not importing as much as we did (the trade deficit improved last month along with other economic numbers). What's being reported in Canada?

Hell, Bobert, let us know where Saddam is and most of the the Iraqis would gladly do him in. He isn't still alive because of a lack of trying.

I don't think that NATO or the Anglo Alliance constitute fighting through client states or replacing the legions with barbarians, do you McGrath? Be patient and glad nothing else can happen while we're tied down in Iraq. As for regime change, who knows. You should be aware that Americans tend to vote for incumbents when the economy's good and the US economy appears to have turned the corner. What's most likely to happen is that Bush will win again in a squeaker and spend most of his second term too politically weak to do much of anything.

Not that I know anything, of course.