The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64326   Message #1051468
Posted By: Kaleea
11-Nov-03 - 01:20 AM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Iranian/Persian Folk Music
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Iranian/Persian Folk Music
As a Musician, I have always enjoyed the folk music of any indigenous peoples. At the risk of being suspect by Scotland Yard, the FBI, CIA, ABC, DEF & GHI, etc., when the current war/conflict/police action/whatever in Iraq began, I was curious to hear some music from the region, so I nosed around on the www to hear what I could hear. I believe I went to dogpile or some other multi search engine & kept at it till I came up with some wonderful Music midis & Music from that part of the globe. We Musicians have often blazed trails to share Music with others from around the world before the politicians & diplomats could even think about it! It goes beyond tolerance, even beyond respect--as a Musician & lover of the Arts, I relish the differences in our varied world cultures! I truly enjoy hearing instruments, melodies, tonalities, rhythms etc. of other cultures.   When we share our Music, we are sharing a little bit of ourselves with others. Those of us who claim to be "Christian" should be fascinated to hear Music which is very much like that written of in our Old Testament.
    A couple of summers ago, some friends & I were performing at a local living museum representing a "western" (wild west aka cowboy times) town of the Mid West, when a couple came in & listened in fascination to the Hammered Dulcimer. They told us that many folks back home in their country of "Persia" play Hammered Dulcimers.   
    Anybody know how many times the word "dulcimer" is in the King James version of the Bible?
    American Jazz greats (like Louis Armstrong)& other Musicians (like John Denver) went to the former USSR many years ago, & were truly appreciated. If we keep focused on our common bonds--like the arts--we will have Peace much faster than any wars could bring about!
    If anybody finds a good site with Middle Eastern Music--especially any written music!--& an English speaking/reading person answers with plenty of info, PLEASE!! Let me/us know! Catters?