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Thread #64280   Message #1052270
Posted By: GUEST
12-Nov-03 - 07:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'a totally needless war'
Subject: RE: BS: 'a totally needless war'

Regarding who has, and who hasn't got WMD's, and whether or not it is desireable to have them.

Nuclear weapons:
Up until the point that India and Pakistan acquired them and started testing both their devices and delivery systems, the trend was that the major powers who possessed nuclear arsenals were actively reducing them with a view to ultimate elimination of those weapons from their inventory. The acquisition of those weapons by India and Pakistan in effect stopped that in its tracks.

Chemical and Biological Weapons:
The vast majority of countries through agreements and conventions have agreed to dispense with these weapons and destroy what stocks they have (The USA by the end of December 2007).

I don't think that the US will reintroduce the draft - conscripts armies are of little use these days, and have been for quite some time. The US military found that out during Vietnam.

Bobert, why not ask Dan Rather what precautions Saddam took prior to that interview. How close he was is irrelevant, those tasked with Saddam's protection would have made sure that whoever was sitting across the table from Saddam posed no threat. If memory serves me correctly wasn't the first strike of the recent conflict specifically intended to eliminate Saddam Hussein. If so they did at least attempt it. Even with Saddam gone, there still remained his sons and the inner circle of the Ba'ath Party to deal with. Pure speculation of course, but I don't believe much would have changed, in fact with either of his sons in power, things would have been more likely to get worse.