The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62985   Message #1052510
Posted By: wysiwyg
12-Nov-03 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sometimes my cat(s).....
Subject: RE: BS: Sometimes my cat(s).....
Akula is my son's cat, really, but she lives with us. From the time he has left home he has taken responsibility for all her care, even tho he is on board a sub, and based in Pearl Harbor.

Here's the latest.

Hi Dave--

Akula really is a strange cat.

We have a new juvenile pup in the house, probably temporary as we get him ready for adoption at SPCA (he arrived on our doorstep one day, crying, ignorant, and very thin.)   Akula is not real happy-- she just got Ruby (#1 dog) under control!

In the last few days she's done two really funny things.

Ruby and Faulkner (pup) were playing and wrestling, growling, in the living room. It turned just a tad nasty (a chewbone being involved), but they were working it out-- till Akula decided it was too much. She flew out from behind a sheer curtain covering the windowledge behind me, jumping over my shoulder. She landed in the middle of them, spitting, with her fur all blown up, and then from that landing took off in flight again to land at the other end of the long room, on a dresser. They didn't follow her, and they chilled the hell out!

Then, in another incident, she was watching them through the glass of the door that divides the kitchen from the laundry room (where I have moved her food and water. She didn't like drinking slobberied dogwater, and they were eating her expensive food.). When they are on the loose in the house, I put her in there and she is usually quite glad to go. Well, they were playing in the kitchen, ignoring her completely, and she was watching with her paws up on the door, looking very not-amused. Faulkner caught sight of her and rushed the glass, stopping before hitting the door. But by the time he got there, she had brought a paw up to smack him, and she smacked the glass so hard it sounded like a gunshot! She was as startled as the dogs, and the action paused as all parties tried to think this over in their little animal-brains. They all simultaneously backed away and got back to their own business!

Come to think of it, she thought having my sister Carol's dog here for a few weeks over the summer was an outrage, too, and as I recall she threw a few punches, then, as well!
