The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64460   Message #1053861
Posted By: Bobert
14-Nov-03 - 07:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush's Latest Postwar Plan
Subject: BS: Bush's Latest Postwar Plan
Well, danged. Here we go again. Yet another plan. What happened to the last 3 or 4? Bush's PR folks are trying to get everyone to believe this is only their *second* plan... We, who have been following this story have it officially as the 3rd and, depending on ones interprstation of new plan, maybe the 7th or 8th or...

But here's how it goes. Iraqitize Iraq! Yep, that's the latest. Screw democracy, Shoot, if it can't work in the US then why think it can work in Iraq? Right?

Well, I gotta agree with them on that one. Democracy in Iraq is an impossible goal. Like I said, if it can't work in the US than it doesn't stand a chance in Iraq.

Well, sure, I've got my ideas on what can be done in Iraq now and have suggested elements of the "Bobert Plan" in other threads but, Iz just gonna keep quiet (or try...) and let my fellow Catboxers comment...
