The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51298   Message #1054388
Posted By: Celtaddict
15-Nov-03 - 07:15 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Wearing of Kilts
Subject: RE: Folklore: Wearing of Kilts
I have long maintained (and every woman I have ever discussed it with agrees) that overall, men look GOOD in kilts. Big men. Small men. Stocky men. Slender men. Kids and white beards. Sexy. Distinguished. Interesting. Bold. Many men who look ordinary (whatever that means; I think it means I would not notice them out of a group or remember them unless I had gotten acquainted) in ordinary contemporary attire, look great in the kilt. A kilt with casual cotton short-sleeve shirt and solid kneesocks with leather shoes is vastly superior to jeans and tee shirt. And full Highland dress is gorgeous; who would ever want to wear a tuxedo, much less a suit?
It delights me that I see kilts worn more and more in situations other than ceremonial occasions in the past few years.

When a friend of mine is asked the inevitable, he answers, "Just a touch of lipstick."