The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64474   Message #1055135
Posted By: kendall
16-Nov-03 - 10:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Any Such Thing As Illegitimacy Anymore?
Subject: RE: BS: Any Such Thing As Illegitimacy Anymore?
No one puts much stock in this outdated idea any more.

Three teen age boys walked into Helen's Restayrant after school, and sitting in their favorite booth was Effie Dunbar (82 years old).
Instead of taking another booth, they just sat with her, one beside, the other two across. She kept on eating. Finally, in an attempt to shock her into moving, one said "I just found out that my parents had to get married." No reaction.
Another said, "Hell, my parents didn't get married until after I was born." No reaction from Effie.
Finally, the third said, "That's nothing, my parents never did get married."
Effie looked up and said "One of you bastards please pass the salt"?