The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64460   Message #1055475
Posted By: GUEST,Frank Hamilton
17-Nov-03 - 10:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush's Latest Postwar Plan
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Latest Postwar Plan
Pre-emption in Iraq is an old policy. It was inevitable. Oil corporations required it. Bush (Poppy) supported Saddam but when the Administration couldn't own him, it turned on him. Noriega too.
The Administration only likes dictators they can own.

The new Manifest Destiny has to do with the price of oil.

US expansionism is nothing new but part of an ongoing policy. Our country is addicted to oil. The Cartels discourage alternative energy sources. They got a cash cow. They are the new "pushers".

Do you think that Iraq will see much of it's oil money slotted for reconstruction? Don't count on it. Check Afghanistan.

African Kuwait. Where next? Today, Iraq, tomorrow the world!

Solution for the short term.....dump W.

But watch these other guys that get in. Campaign Finance Reform?
Don't count on it. The election can still be bought.

The latest Postwar Plan is called "covering your ass".

Frank Hamilton