The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64528   Message #1055687
Posted By: GUEST,KateG at work
17-Nov-03 - 04:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christmas traditions
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas traditions
When I was a child, we always spent Christmas eve with close friends. Just before bed each child was allowed to open one present -- and the package always contained a new pair of pyjamas, which we put on and were bundled off to bed. Stockings were fair game in the AM, and they always had chocolate coins, kumquats and a tangerine in them. Breakfast came later -- after the presents.

Now hubby and I have dispensed with stockings (we don't have kids), and the requisite fruit and nuts go in a bowl on the coffee table. But Christmas breakfast is always eggs benedict, calories and cholestrol be hanged.