The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63765   Message #1056208
Posted By: Jeri
18-Nov-03 - 10:28 AM
Thread Name: Getaway 2003 Memories
Subject: RE: Getaway 2003 Memories
Nutty, it won't work with Mike's photos. I don't think they want you to copy them.

You have to click on the little photo to get the big photo, then go to 'view source' and find out the URL of the photo.

Finding the URL in all that other crap is the hard part. Scan for the section that has a bunch of indents, and it's the part that says "http://-and-a-huge-bunch-of-numbers-and-stuff"

You then copy and paste that into your browser's address window. When THAT page comes up, you can right click and select "save as."