The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13059   Message #105632
Posted By: BeauDangles
16-Aug-99 - 06:14 PM
Thread Name: Catters in Virginia?
Subject: RE: Catters in Virginia?
Cool! There's lots of us in here (out there)! Frank, I know where Farmville is. Spent a few years of my childhood there, and one year of my young adulthood as a freshman at Hampden-Sydney College. Sadly, neither stay was particularly happy, but that had less to do with the area and more to do with my circumstances. My family lived in Farmville for a few years when my Dad was director of the Piedmont Planning District. This was way back in 19...69? We lived in a place we called Hassels Hollow, a little brick number at the bottom of a steep hill. (The front yard was great in the winter!). My parents divorced while we were living there. I think I was six years old.

Years later I came back for my first year of college. I didn't particularly like H-S. I had a couple of good teachers, but I was clinically depressed and found most of the students there to be really stuck up. (I hope I give no offense to anyone).

Interestingly, I moved back home after that year and went to a community college to get my GPA and self-esteem back up. 1983. That was the year I discovered Celtic Music. I am convinced that if I had not found it (or it found me) I probably would have offed myself. I wasn't a very happy camper at that time in my life. I can't really put it into words very well. It was like my ship was sinking, and the music slowly patched up all of the holes. I think that is why the music is so important to me now.

Sorry to ramble on so. Just reminiscing.
