The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64528   Message #1056415
Posted By: LilyFestre
18-Nov-03 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christmas traditions
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas traditions
Ahhhhhh....Christmas!!! We traditionally begin decorating for the holidays in our home shortly after Thanksgiving. The first thing to be set out is the nativity with a wooden creche that my Nana brought back from one of her trips overseas. Our tree is usually a small spruce that still has it's roots intact. We untangle the lights and work together to put the lights up as we both HATE doing that job! Next, we take the ornaments out and oooh and ahhh over them with stories of Christmas past as we decorate the tree. With some soft Christmas music playing and hot chocolate always near by, the evening usually passes by much too quickly for me!!!! When all is said and done, we both collapse into our chairs and bask in only the light of the Christmas tree. :)

On Christmas Eve, I go to church with my Mom (lots of wonderful memories of candle lit services as a child). My husband spends this time with his mom as well. When we return home, we exchange our gifts. More often than not, we get all snuggly in our jammies and open our gifts in bed....he hiding his gifts on his side of the bed and I have his on my side. :)

In the morning, our moms' come to our house (or sometimes we go to their homes). Breakfast is usually set up...fruit, muffins, juice, doughnuts, Christmas cookies, coffee, etc....for picking at whenever we get hungry. Then we sit and chat while we open our gifts. There are always phone calls from aunts, cousins and grandparents from far away wishing us a Merry Christmas!

This year, however, our traditions will be happily altered as we, for the first time ever, have a child in our home for Christmas!!!! She is 11 years old and has never had a stocking of her own to open...has never made Christmas cookies.....never had a real Christmas tree or been sledding....I CANNOT WAIT to share all of the little things that make Christmas so very special!!!!! :)
