The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64528   Message #1056502
Posted By: Amergin
18-Nov-03 - 05:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christmas traditions
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas traditions
every year my gramma makes clam chowder and oyster stew on christmas eve...and we got all sorts of goodies...home made caramel....fudges...cookies rice krispie treats....pecan pies, lemon meringue pies, sour cream and raisin pies, pumpkin pies....

and then send all the kids to bed and stay up half the night wrapping pressies.....but since I have the tendency to use three rolls of wrapping paper for just a small gift (like a video or a couple of books)...I let others wrap for me....i'm so generous...

This year the future bride will be with me...and we plan to go sledding as she has never been....