The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64417   Message #1056972
Posted By: GUEST,George Bush
19-Nov-03 - 10:15 AM
Thread Name: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
Holy shit just hit the wrong button - Colin, can you abort that bird before it hits Moscow ?

Mr McFat - after consultifying with my consultants, I have to inform you that the United States government does not conceed to the demands of terrorists (godamme Colin let me type this myself - jus tell me which key to press next) can only meet some of your requirements:

1. The establishment is officially dry, but there are plenty of Coca-Cola vending machines. However, although we do not recommend it, there is locally produced liquor available at a very low price and the guards stewards can be bribed commissioned to bring some in for you.

2. This commodity is readily available, either in the form of our other guests or the few sheep and goats which we keep especially for the more co-operative of those guests.

3. As entertainers we would expect you to provide your own instruments. These would of course be subject to detailed scrutiny for any signs of explosives etc. We do have a list of proscribed instruments including banjos, bodhrans etc. This is because although we do not classify our guests as qualifying under the terms of the Geneva Convention, we do have to take just the teensiest little notice of international opinion on what constitutes unnacceptable cruelty.