The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64597   Message #1057396
Posted By: artbrooks
19-Nov-03 - 09:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Master and Commander FSOTW reviews
Subject: RE: BS: Master and Commander FSOTW reviews
Jenn and I saw it last week and were very pleased. We have both read all of the books two or three times, and were satisfied with the treatment the movie gives them. She identifies more with Stephen Matcherin, the studious Irish revolutionary, who would have been a Communist if they had been invented yet, while I am more the Jack Aubrey know, the portly guy who enjoys his port?

For those who are purists, this movie is not a direct adaptation of the first book (or maybe only loosely). It has elements from at least 3 or's subtitled "The Far Side of the World" (#10), and owes at least as much to that one, by which time he is certainly a Post Captain.