The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64460   Message #1057683
Posted By: GUEST,Teribus
20-Nov-03 - 07:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush's Latest Postwar Plan
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Latest Postwar Plan
RE: Elections in Iraq, any elections that are held will be a damn sight freer than during the Ba'athist days of SH.

Lots of people have negotiated things with Saddam - and just look at how many times Saddam actually held his end of the bargain.

Now why exactly would the US would require military bases on Iraqi soil???

"But, no, instead Bush I & II have chosen to both use war as a means of solidifying political power and paying back their military/industrial complex financial backers which is a sneaky way of shifting even more wealth from Amrerica's working class to the moneyed and privedged class..."