The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64597   Message #1059179
Posted By: GUEST
22-Nov-03 - 03:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Master and Commander FSOTW reviews
Subject: RE: BS: Master and Commander FSOTW reviews
Amos, I am determined to see "Mystic River" though I don't know if I'll get to see it in theatres. I so rarely get out to the theatres, which is why I felt so damn burned by wasting three precious hours of my hurried and harried life, not to mention my limited budget, on this bloated, nonsensical Hollywood crap. These days, I'm lucky if I get out to movie theatres about every three months or so. The last film I saw was "Pirates of the Caribbean" which I thoroughly enjoyed. Especially the ironic, yet campy play between the Rush and Depp characters--it reminded me of the play between the Dustin Hoffman and Bob Hoskins characters in "Hook" (which Hoffman described as them playing a couple of old queens). They weren't really parodying the genre, as much as doing a very entertaining tongue-in-cheek sort of commentary on the genre, if you know what I mean.

So I went to see FSOTW, despite all my misgivings about it, and now bitterly regret it! So buyer beware! Don't believe the advertising about this film, disguised as pop movie criticism! Ebert and Roeper are both full of it when it comes to this film--it truly, truly has no discernible plot, and you just have to suffer along through plodding, endless subplot after plodding, endless subplot...and it is most certainly NOT a story about two friends, Capt Jack Aubrey and whazzizname...did I mention this movie drags on interminably? ;)