The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64597   Message #1059235
Posted By: DonMeixner
22-Nov-03 - 05:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Master and Commander FSOTW reviews
Subject: RE: BS: Master and Commander FSOTW reviews
Amos, I wasn't correcting you. The ocean sequences are seamless I couldn't tell what was computer generated from what wasn't. Tho' common sense tells me that no film crew would be allowed to film in the Straits of Magellan during a gale.

One of the few momments in my life when I am caught off guard by a person with an obvious political bent involves this film. The Ultra conservative, ultra homophobic, utra wierd Michael Savage called this film a advertisement for NAMBLA. (Why I found myself listening to him is unexplainable even by me.) I found this film no more homosexually innuendoized than The Deerhunter, The Bounty, or Lonesome Dove. Or Star Trek, the Kirk, Spock, McCoy trangle must be considered homo-something by someone.

The plot is simple. It is a chase. What more of a plot need there be. The David after the Goliath. The underdog victorious over the superior adversary. The good guy after the bad guy. "High Noon" didn't have much of a plot. "The Enemy Bellow" was equally thin so was "The African Queen". But they seemed to be good movies to me.

The movie did the job for me. I was entertained by the film for 2+ hours and at least three days by this thread.
