The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62028   Message #1059624
Posted By: Naemanson
23-Nov-03 - 07:47 PM
Thread Name: OZ Foray from Maine & Guam-Late November
Subject: RE: OZ Foray from Maine & Guam-Late November
Charley, you didn't sleep in as late as I did! But then, I am learning to love the sleeping in bit. I don't know how I'll ever get to work on time next week.

Outback? That was the outback? Somehow I thought there'd be more scrub brush and sand and fewer neighbors. Maybe next year when I take the train cross country to Perth...

What a wonderful bunch of songs and recitations I've heard over the last four days. I think they are all just wonderful. And the singers are amazing; John, the Shiny Bums, Simon, Margaret, Touchwood, and all the other people we've met on this trip. I don't think I've heard a bad piece of music yet with one exception One performer at the Harp on Thursday seemed to think louder was better. Actually better songs would have been better.

Now I have (or had) three evenings and days to myself. But Charley just called to tell me his hosts have extended a dinner invitation to me tonight. Sigh, no rest for the weary. But I met them at the Dog and they appear very interesting people so it will be no sacrifice.

And now, I must be off. So far I have seen nothing of Sydney except standard street scenes and cold rainy weather. I would complain about the weather but I get so few opportunities to enjoy the cold anymore that I have decided to appreciate it.

Nice to see there has been no mention of the chair...