The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64417   Message #1060443
Posted By: GUEST,MC Fat
25-Nov-03 - 05:06 AM
Thread Name: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
Subject: RE: Does Bush need Raggy & MC Fat
Moi 'mushroom' out, no way. It's was a combination of excuses, sorry, reasons. One I was being paid in Abbeydale Moonshine beer a fine drop indeed. In fact copious volumous quantities were imbibed. Plan A was to get a taxi thence onto a choo choo but there were no hackney carriages to be found. Plan B was to get the next choo choo but Hackney carriages arrive too late. Plan C was to make myself scare as R & W wabbitt was on the warpath !! this led to Plan D get more drunk and stay in Sheffield. I was fired up for the fight Deano and you don't get off that lightly. There will be other times other places and other ways to skin you, you varmit.