The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64745   Message #1061110
Posted By: Coyote Breath
26-Nov-03 - 01:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: English To English Dictionary
Subject: RE: BS: English To English Dictionary
Clew, lift, pram, lorry, hire car, motorbike, mould, bangers, and dirty dick, and...

I love English as she is spoke by the British. Usually I have absolutely no trouble understanding what is being said because of the context within which it is being used. So when someone is pushing a pram I know almost instinctively that:

It's a Monty Python sketch!!

Our PBS local is really a BBC outlet.

Most "Englishisms" make perfect sense, pram - perambulator. Still I question SOME words. aluminum is NOT spelled al-u-minium and it is missle NOT mis-sile.

But, then, the poor dears over the pond have a Queen and while I'm sure she is a lovely person, she certainly doesn't know how to dress.

CB (irreverent as usual)