The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13088   Message #106127
Posted By: Bert
18-Aug-99 - 09:15 AM
Thread Name: Amusing Work Songs??
Subject: RE: Amusing Work Songs??
Here's a few more...

Manura Manyah
When I'm Cleaning Windows
Molly Malone
Liverpool Barrow Boy
Jellied Eels
All my life I've wanted to be a Barrow Boy
Chinese Laundry Blues
Come Inside
The Lincolnshire Poacher
The Miller of Dee
The work of the weavers
The Great American Railway
I'm an Old Cowhand
The Twang Man
Washing up
Click go the shears
Coney Island Washboard
The Buffalo Skinners
The Ballad of Billy Kershaw
