The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64745   Message #1061377
Posted By: GUEST,Strollin' Johnny
26-Nov-03 - 01:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: English To English Dictionary
Subject: RE: BS: English To English Dictionary
Bill, I can tell you've travelled widely in the US by your use of their mis-spelling of the word 'travelled' :-)

Jerry, if the loo (UK) is the bathroom (US), what in hell's name do you call the place you go to for a bath? In the UK it's The Bathroom - logical, no? In the UK we also occasionally call the place where you take a leak The Bog, The Slash-House or The Wazzer (or Wazzerie if you're posh).

And in case you're wondering what 'Posh' is, it means 'Upper-Class'. The story goes that, in the old days of travel by steamer between Blighty and The Orient, because of the position of the sun the cabins on the Starboard (i.e. right-hand) side of the ship were hottest on the outward journey and on the Port (i.e. left-hand) side on the return. The upper-class passengers could afford to pay extra for the cooler Port-side cabins on the outward journey and Starboard-side ones on the return - hence the word 'P-O-S-H' (Port Outward, Starboard Home' was applied to them. At least that's what they say, no doubt some smart-ass (US) (sorry, arse (UK)!) will tell me its a load of manure (UK) - shit (US)!
