The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64810   Message #1062214
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
27-Nov-03 - 05:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: PC: New heights!
Subject: RE: BS: PC: New heights!
Guest.. ya want something to get yer knickers in a bunch over...

Try this!

Slavery STILL EXISTS!!! Estimates talk about 27 million people around the world hold in bondage. And we're not talking about some distant banana republics, here's an extract of a list of nations where over the past year more than 100 humans were 'traded' (source is not some rampant NGO but the US foreign ministry): Albania, Angola, Belgium, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil,Canada, China, Costa Rica, Denmark, Germany, Estland, Finland, Greece, Haiti, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenia, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Ruanda, Russia, Sambia, Saudi-Arabiai, Sri Lanka, Spain, Switzerland (dammit), Sweden, Taiwan, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, Vietnam....

did I mention it's an abbreviated list??

The estimated worth of slave-labour for world-economy is around 13 billion dollars per annum. Modern slavery exists in many appaling forms: including child-labour, prostitution (that's how most European countries made it into that list, bleech), debt-slavery where whole families are hold into slavery for decades for a debt amounting to a couple of dollars - the children 'inheriting' their parents debt, people being abused as organ 'donators' never even receiving the ridiculous sum they were promised for the deal.

Some stupid words are offensive to those pc-zealots? Try the fact that every minute somewhere on this planet a woman or a child gets raped in enforced prostitution...

Slavery still exists and banning the use of those terms with regards to computers won't do zilch to change that.

So take yer white-bread, suburbanite idignation, and cram it with wallnuts...