The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64636   Message #1062372
Posted By: Teribus
28-Nov-03 - 02:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Any Predictions for the U.S.?
Subject: RE: BS: Any Predictions for the U.S.?
Hi Frank,

In answer to your question, Google "Osama bin Laden Citizenship", extract from one article of many:

"In 1994 Saudi Arabia stripped bin Laden's citizenship, citing his opposition to the Saudi King and leadership and expelled him from the country."

The above referred only to Osama bin Laden, I do not believe that the above related to the entire bin Laden family. As you no doubt will not take the above as being evidence, or proof, I would advise you to contact the Saudi Embassy nearest you and ask them the same question.

However, Frank, you do tend to believe, and regard as significant, "...some articles" - As long as they support things that you would like to believe as being true.


I agree that 10th September 2001 would have been a poor selection of date, which is why you selected it as a date before 11th. But, you contend that Bush knew of the attacks before they happened, from what is known they took some time in the planning Bobert, how about arranging their "free passage" 24th January, 2001, on the pretext that they had to return to Saudi Arabia to attend the annual family Burns Supper.

I note that, as usual, you ignore point blank requests for any form of proof, evidence to back up any of the absolutely preposterous statements you sometimes come out with.

Which leads me on to an observation made by Ebbie:

"Teribus, who is not American, vigourously defends America's government, and pooh poohs any implication that this is a warmongering administration on a power trip."

What I do react to Ebbie, is people coming out with wild statements that are complete and utter tripe, offering no reasoning or proof, and who fully expect those statements to be taken as gospel.

Ebbie, I would like to ask you a simple question. It relates to the circumstances and reasons for the flight that Bobert places such emphasis upon. Honestly, which do you think is the more rational explanation for that flight taking place - Bobert's explanation, or my own?