The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64832   Message #1062660
Posted By: Metchosin
28-Nov-03 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Great Canadian Political Quote
Subject: RE: BS: Great Canadian Political Quote
Willie-O, a poll reported yesterday on the CBC noted that 63% of Regina residents were of the same mind regarding gay marriages as Larry Spencer, so he was reflecting the majority views of his constituents. This area is within Canada's bible belt, so I was not surprized regarding the attitudes professed. They may have espoused cooperative views regarding some things and the area may be the birthplace of medicare, but social attitudes are still "conservatively provincial". I have no idea if Tommy Douglas is rolling over in his grave. Some background on Larry Spencer provided by the Caucus of CRAP.

"Besides his regular MP duties, Larry Spencer , the Canadian Alliance Member for Regina-Lumsden-Lake Centre, also serves as one of the Official
Opposition's Deputy Justice Critics. Before being elected, he was Pastor of the Discovery Baptist Church. After graduating from Sheldon High School in Sheldon, Missouri, Larry went to work for Hallmark Cards in Kansas City. It was during his 8 years as a "card shark" that he married his high school sweetheart, Sue Brown."

In 1967, Larry returned to the land and then, in 1974, he responded to a request to become a church planner for the Regina area. He led the way in establishing two congregations in Regina, one in Moose Jaw and another in Swift Current. Larry's educational background includes a Diploma of Theology from Southern Baptist College in Walnut Ridge, AR; he also attended Metropolitan Jr. College, Draughn's Business College in Kansas City, MO. Welcome to the Alliance Caucus, Larry!"