The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64832   Message #1062868
Posted By: Cluin
29-Nov-03 - 02:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Great Canadian Political Quote
Subject: RE: BS: Great Canadian Political Quote
Manley didn't seriously think he had a chance to take the leadership right now, did he? Nobody else did, no matter what impression Chrétien might have given him. He should probably take the ambassador position and hang out for a while, waiting... waiting... waiting... like Paul Martin did. Took him a while to decide to take his marbles and go home, till they were good & ready to call him back to the playground on his terms.

Anyway, the more important observation I think is.... Isn't Craig Oliver looking more and more like a turtle? I figure he's hoping to take over the CTV National news anchor job from Lloyd when they finally pack him away in mothballs. Remember how he went after the PM with a vengeance about packing it in last year in the CTV interview while Lloyd sat back in shocked silence? But it's gonna be a battle between himself, Sandie Rinaldo and Tom Clark. My money's on Tom... such a good repartee between him and Mike Duffy, joking around like old drinking buddies and all.