The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64838   Message #1062903
Posted By: Peace
29-Nov-03 - 03:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Good Things about the Iraq Occupation
Subject: RE: BS: The Good Things about the Iraq Occupatio
InOBU: I'm another Canadian b'strd and you have to get it right. We're holding the terrorists hostage until we get the money from the Nigerians for the Marminator movie. I still haven't figured out Rapaire's code--I have got to find out what he's taking--and you can't have the terrorists until the movie is in post production. We may not be able to beat the US militarily, but the military forces of that country will get so effed up trying to read our road signs that the point is moot. You cannot get anywhere in Canada by following our signs. Let that be a warning to you. Tell 'im, Little Hawk.