The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64838   Message #1062935
Posted By: InOBU
29-Nov-03 - 04:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Good Things about the Iraq Occupation
Subject: RE: BS: The Good Things about the Iraq Occupatio
Look here Brucie:
We didn't need no sissy road signs when we liberated you during the Revolution. If it were not for Benidict Arnold, you'd still have the Queen on your damn currency and it would be worth 75 cents to the dollar! Don't under estimate American resolve, that's right American resolve, you Canadains are allways underestimating the Americans, yup America... If you ever come to America you will see what's going on here, so get in an effing boat and cross the Mediteranian to America and see what the good old USA has to offer, you wont want your damn socialist medicine I tell you, old boy! You can join the 45 million who don't need doctors at all because they are too smart to give 300 bucks a month to the insurenece industry. So, as soon as the American army can find your third world pit stop nation, we'll be there!