The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64856   Message #1063053
Posted By: Bobert
29-Nov-03 - 09:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Two Thanksgiving dinners
Subject: RE: BS: Two Thanksgiving dinners
Well, having just enjoyed yet a third Thanksgiving dinner this evening, with at least two more left in the refirgerator, I must say that ours, fir a pleasant change, turned out different. Ahhhh, nothing got burned, everyone contributed something, the dishes all came together at the same time, the turkey was perfect and my sons and daughter-in-laws all went home sober... Can't beat that with a stick... but.....

.....Next year we're gonna just order pizza....

I mean, we were up the night before brining the turkey and cutting vegies and all.... and then the next morning the P-Vine's kids are there at the crack of dawn choppin' this and cuttin' that which continued into the afternoon and when you add up the man hours of preperation compared to the half an' hour it took to sit down (with toasts and prayer) to consume our fill of these labors... ahhhh, figure the man hours at about $1.00 an hour.... Like I said, next year it pizza......

Yeah, that's my story and I'z sticken to it until, oh, 'round this time next year when we'll probably do it all over again...

Something about getting older... Ya' get wiser but ya' don't remember the wisdom.....
