The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62028   Message #1063055
Posted By: Naemanson
29-Nov-03 - 10:09 PM
Thread Name: OZ Foray from Maine & Guam-Late November
Subject: RE: OZ Foray from Maine & Guam-Late November
It is noon:37 here on Guam and I am home after a grueling flight home. I've had a wonderful vacation but I have also learned some valuable lessons. I certainly won't set myself up with a return flight system like that. And I won't leave for as long as this next time. After all I am only 2100 miles north of Cairns. It's practically next door...

I got into Guam at about 5:30 AM and home around 7:30 AM after clearing customs and immigration. The actual process of getting through customs and immigration wasn't difficult but a plane from Saipan arrived at the same time and both our plane and the Saipan plane had pasengers that were connecting to other flights and they were allowed through first.

And for those who are curious, yes, the house and all it's contents were still here when I arrived. At some point the landlord must have arranged to have the grass cut and the lovely plants in the front planter have all been cut back to 6" tall from their former 4 1/2' tall. But they will grow back like weeds and, I hope, flower again before too long.

Thanks once again to all my new friends in Australia. I wish I could list them all but I would be sure to leave out names. However I will try. In no particular order, thanks to Sandra, John, Chris, Amelina, Jenny, Jenny, Jenny (*grin* they are each different people), Jane, Bob, Gavin, Sally, Ross, the two young ladies in Touchwood (I didn't get to meet their singing partner in the trio), and many, many others.

Thanks to those who handed over copies of their CDs willy nilly whenever I turned around. I now have a substantial addition to my library and can only hope Charley provided a copy of our CD in reply ("Charley?" He says THREATENINGLY)

And especially thanks to Margaret, my dear hostess and provider of "...grub, and a place to sleep, in God's Great Public Park..." and so much more - tourist services, guided tours, and time to go through her excellant folk music library. And a special hello and thanks to Golightly, the resident cat.

Please realize I am groggy and still working on processing the trip. Please add your name to the list and I will add a thank you for each and every one. This is not a request for you to be selfserving and to raise a grumble because I left you out. It will spark a tired brain and revive memories that I want to write down.

I think I need some breakfast too. My last meal was a snack somewhere over the Pacific not too long after I left Cairns.