The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15390   Message #1063285
Posted By: GUEST,
30-Nov-03 - 03:15 PM
Thread Name: A. L. Lloyd: History and anecdotes?
Subject: RE: A.L. Lloyd:History and anecdotes?
Overwhelmed by the Bert Lloyd memories. I was lucky to work/sing with
him, Ewan & Peggy (more!) in such projects as The Ballad of John
Axon (now a Topic CD -- I sing the Manchester Rambler Song plus share in the many intricate choruses); BBC Radio Bold Nelson's Praise
(produced by Charles Parker of Radio Ballads fame); and I "share"
tracks on some of the Topic Sampler LPs (these were 33.3rpm but
sized like the 45s)Sampler #3 (or #2?) has Bert singing the
Overlander with convincing [sez who] Oz-twang; I do The Young Sailor Cut Down in His Prime (gtr acc Leon Rosselson). Bert wrote the sleeve
notes for my Topic solos ("The Liverpool Packet" and "Songs for Swinging Landlords To") RE-the many refs to Bert's politics
I should mention that of those involved in the Ballad of John
Axon, only Parker was NOT a party member!!
Nearly forgot there was much activity with the WMA (Workers Music
Association) highlight being on the same stage as Paul Robeson

RE-Bert's morals [sic]Well he lliked the ladies (who don't?)&
enjoyed (chastely) my wife's company, yet was never a Shagger Steve Norris. Bert enjoyed the "risky" ballads (I once stood in for him when
he was sick -- I sang "My Husband's Got No Courage in Him" which
he taught me -- and I still do a fair Bert "falsetto"

Much more -- but dinner is ready

Stan Kelly
2100 E Washington, #103
Petaluma, CA 94954