The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64907   Message #1064285
Posted By: IanC
02-Dec-03 - 05:36 AM
Thread Name: That rarity, an Alphabet Quiz!
Subject: That rarity, an Alphabet Quiz!

That rarity, an Alphabet Quiz!

Here's another complete alphabet, entirely made up of songs (all but a few are in the DT). Answers, as usual, on the forum please.

A - He's no sailor and doesn't want to be a soldier, but the art is that he seems to be a wife.
B - Resting place for a lady's coffin … sad Irish lenders.
C - Hanged for his cruelty; a piratical old goat.
D - On your bike, little flower. We may be more than one-up, though.
E - She was there at the beginning, so why do you keep telling me she won't be in at the final annihilation?
F - Recipe for a thumping? Six feet and a cauldron.
G - Dead poacher inhabits Northumbrian capital.
H - Going back to Dawn's dwelling, seems like he might get pulled apart by a train.
I - Possessed by a centre of European culture, and owning it during weekend drinking.
J - Happy as any monarch. After all, his horse is willing!
K - This could be better than a telescope unless it's dark. Or perhaps the key could be sharp.
L - Irish garden implement would like childrens' prayers.
M - Margaret might, but treading the citrus fruit is definitely out.
N - A simple tool seems quite expensive, but it's a killer.
O - The instrument might as well be destroyed. It won't play the right notes.
P - Unexpected find while hunting. Brutally killed, and female.
Q - Something she dropped has made the king cross. Charing Cross?
R - Street for suicidal rodents? Jack can't get change of a guinea.
S - Jimmy's up for murder. Heather won't save him.
T - Embarrassing for the seamster. He's hardly advertising his products, is he.
U - Like Lydia Pinkhams, these can have unpredictable effects. Made in Wigan.
V - Christmas described at its simplest?
W - This small Teutonic overlord's a cunning fake.
X - It was never good wages, but now the Queen's stopped paying him at all.
Y - On being as long as a piece of string. Jack goes to the seaside.
Z – Heroic swordsman sent up by Alice.

Collaboration is strongly encouraged and comments about songs, tunes, writers, performers
(or anything else) are very welcome.

Good luck.