The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64921   Message #1064617
Posted By: Joe_F
02-Dec-03 - 03:11 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Dirty limericks [12]
Subject: RE: BS: Dirty limericks
A young lady who lived near the Bosporus
Was seduced by a red-eyed rhinocerous.
Said she, with a shriek,
"His horn is unique
And leaves the men looking preposterous."

Now everyone likes a butch guy.
That's a fact that we cannot deny.
But between butch and bitch
Is such a small switch --
Just the difference between U and I!

The youth who frequent picture palaces
Have no use for psychoanalysis.
Altho Dr Freud
Is distinctly annoyed,
They cling to their long-standing fallacies.

You can smoke a symbolic cigar.
You can ride in a long, sexy car.
But a phallic church steeple,
To sensible people,
Is stretching the thing rather far.