The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15390   Message #1065072
Posted By: GUEST,
03-Dec-03 - 05:59 PM
Thread Name: A. L. Lloyd: History and anecdotes?
Subject: RE: A.L. Lloyd:History and anecdotes?
Burl: thanks for yr note. I'm now 74 (Old Wheelchair Got Me!)
but still spin the odd Come All Ye (e.g., with Shay Black at the
Berkeley-Irish Starry Plough & the SF son-of-Edinburgh Castle until it closed)

Quick recall (which I hope has not been coloured by time) concerns
Bert's Picture Post period. He told me that if the Reader-Letters
column was running low, he would invent some pseudonymous (Angry Major from Bishops Stortford etc) correspondence on topics aimed
to trigger real responses. One such that always worked was
"Should pets be allowed in Church during services"

Related tale: he often reviewed his own works using the alias
J. Worthington (or similar?)

Best Christmas greetings to youse all

Stan (L'pool Lullaby**) Kelly
** aka Mucky Kid which did well recorded by Cilla Black,
Judy Collins, Ian Campbell...
WHICH REMINDS ME -- Are Shirley/Dolly Collins still around?
If so, would love to be back in touch