The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15390   Message #1065236
Posted By: GUEST,
03-Dec-03 - 11:58 PM
Thread Name: A. L. Lloyd: History and anecdotes?
Subject: RE: A.L. Lloyd:History and anecdotes?
Burl, me again!
Re-my "long absence" I should mention that I've written ~16
books (in 7 languages), mainly on computer topics which may
not grab youse -- plus a monthly col in UNIX Review running
since 1984, now continued web-wise at
(click to Stan Kelly-Bootle's SODA [Son of Devil's Advocate]
and these often mention folk & related topics
The strange overlap of computer- & folk-lores is exploited in my
The Computer Contradictionary (MIT Press, 1995)eg
I gave my love an Apple
That had no core
I gave my love a platform
That had no floor
I gave my love a program
That had no end
I gave my love an upgrade
With no cryin'

How can there be an Apple etc etc

An Apple's MOS memory don't use no core
A platform that perfect it has no flaw
A program with GOTOs it has no end
And I lied about the upgrade with no cryin'

All tergevver nah

Stan Kelly