The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64942   Message #1065446
Posted By: Bobert
04-Dec-03 - 09:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Words of, like, wisdom, eh???
Subject: RE: BS: Words of, like, wisdom, eh???
Well, danged, Blind, you almost covered all the bases 'cept ya' did the *end around* on the womenz thing... Yeah, I gotta agree you gotta have to have sex a few times a week but if'iz yer doin' the rest of the *blind drunk lifestyle*, ahhh, I hate to tell you but yer gonna have sex with somethin' other than a womenz... OKay, matbe you can find a womanz that will go along with the program but if you can, please don't post no piccures of it, ahhh, her... No, sir, no piccures!

Which leads me to those all important womenz questions... Ahhh, like when you gonna find time to follow one 'round and round thru the department store as she holds one ugly danged dress up after another and asks, "Whaddayathink 'bout this one, Honey?"??? See, I didn't think you'd thought of that one... But lets say fir discussion purposes that you have found the one womenz on the planet that doesn't require the "Whaddayathink about this one, Honey?" as required *forplay* how ya gonna have sex with her when yer too danged drunk to negotiate them 9 steps up to the bedroom where the sex is to occur? Hmmmmmmm... Yeah, didn't think you'd figgured on that one either...(******* ***** *********....) Oh? A hanicap chair? That was thinkin' ahead. Iz mighty proud of you... So, okay, you've found the only one womenz in the entire world that doesn't require a trip to the department store in the forplay, yer drunk, and now you've gotten to the 2nd floor in the handicapped chair and now its time for the big performance.... BUT...... ahhh, hmmmmm, you now find that Mr. Happy is too happy or not happy enuff 'cause though he worked the last time he worked he ain't workin' tonight!!!!!!!!!!........ And then you start thinkin' about all them loosers and now the rpessure is on.... but the more you try, the less and less happy, Mr. Happy is and then you hear the sound of the door closin' as yer one-in-a-million womenz that doesn't require the ritualistic stop at the department store as part of foreplay, ahhhhh ( I hat to tell ya this...) has just leff yer sorry butt.,,,

I'd say, Drunk, that this part of yer plan could use a little more polish and paint...

Buit the rest of the plan is rock solid...
