The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64902   Message #1065523
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
04-Dec-03 - 12:18 PM
Thread Name: Review: 'Cowboy Celtic' CD by David Wilkie
Subject: RE: Review: 'Cowboy Celtic' CD by David Wilkie
The mouth organ was carried by an old cowboy friend of my grandfather's. I doubt that the concertina was carried- perhaps some cheap Italian squeeze-box (sailors didn't carry the concertina either- a rather expensive instrument invented by Charles Wheatstone).

The ingenuity of some early travelers by mule and horseback should not be underestimated, however. I have a photograph of some prospectors outside of their lean-to in what is now a ghost site in the mountains of northern New Mexico, dated 1896. Beside one is a viola.

Most long distance drives had a chuck wagon and sometimes a second wagon to haul gear and bedding. I remember reading a book in which one cowboy complained that the wagon with th gear was often a day behind because of breakdowns. Any instrument, however, seems to have been absent-rare on a drive. They are not mentioned in the more factual accounts that I have. Dances were always in some ranch hq or in town.

Cowboys permanently attached to a ranch site would have personal possessions including musical instruments. Those working on some of the large ranches lived in cottages with their families; some today in Texas are the third and fourth generations on the ranch. Fiddle, button accordion and guitar are all present.

The Mexican trumpet? Dunno. Most Mexican villages had (and have) a band with trumpets, etc. All the instruments could have been used at their dances. Some mariachi are all string but the trumpet could have been added quite early since trumpets were everywhere in the bands.