The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64942   Message #1065563
Posted By: GUEST,Buster Jig
04-Dec-03 - 01:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Words of, like, wisdom, eh???
Subject: RE: BS: Words of, like, wisdom, eh???
Hey, you Blind druink in blind river. You shoud come out here to the West, like if yor a Canuk to Alberty or Sascatkuan but Alberty is better. Or better to a place like Montany or Arizony where I live. Bet you'd fit rite in down at Jack's. Ol Jack'l spring for beer on credit and if you don't mind budwiser he'll dam near give it away. %The honkey tonk honeys come down there too, so you can get linedancin and two steppin and before you know it you an her is skippin steps to git upstairs! There ain't hardly never a night goes by without a good fite, too, lik las night when we taut a greenhorn the ol' Western Bullet Dance, only he turned out to be a state cop an came back with ihis budd7ys and pretty much cleaned the joint out. Good think the ol lady had bail money or Id still be in the calabozo, haw haw. Andyway, you should come donw here and visit a spell. Did mention the payotee?