The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64942   Message #1066065
Posted By: Rapparee
05-Dec-03 - 10:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Words of, like, wisdom, eh???
Subject: RE: BS: Words of, like, wisdom, eh???
Well, technically, pencils contain graphite. But a fella out here really did find lead in the chocolate. Ya see, hubby come home a bit early and found his wife and this fella flagrant delectable, as the lawyers say, and cut loose with a shotgun as the fella was running off pullin' up his pants. Somma the shot nailed the fella right smack in the Hershey bar and the M&Ms he was totin' in his back pocket. Didn't hurt him none, but it sure as heck spoiled his lunch.

That happened right here along the banks of the Mighty Portneuf River, also known far and wide as "Pocatello's Concrete Crick."