The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32190   Message #1066172
Posted By: Suffet
05-Dec-03 - 01:18 PM
Thread Name: Get More Folk in New York City!!!!
Subject: The Not-So-Odd Couple
Appearing at the Peoples' Voice Cafe in New York City...

The Not-So-Odd Couple



Old-Fashioned Folksinger

Saturday • January 17, 2004 • 8:00 PM

Said he: "I received your cassette tape Monday and I have been enjoying it since."

Said she: "Glad you like the tape. ... Take away the lush instrumentation, somewhat busy arrangements and country songs on my album and you will see our sensibilities are not that different."

Said he: "Our musical sensibilities may be similar, but you have a much nicer voice."

Said she: "Thanks. I hear a Woody G. quality to your voice which I like very much."

Said he: "For too many years I was a Woody wannabe, musically, that is, and I'm afraid it still shows. Please kick me hard if I start spouting Okie aphorisms!"

Could this be the beginning of a beautiful musical friendship? Or is it just witty banter? Come see how this drama plays out and help Lydia and Steve prove to the house that, yes, they can fill seats on a dark and cold winter night.

Peoples' Voice Cafe
at the Workmen's Circle
45 East 33rd Street
Just west of Park Avenue
Midtown Manhattan, New York

General admission: $10.
PVC or WC member: $7.
Seniors, on strike, or up against the machine: $5.
TDF vouchers accepted.

Even at the top admission, it's still a cheap night out in the Big Apple.

Delicious and reasonably healthy snacks will be available at ridiculously low prices.

Take note: Steve will be accompanied by unindicted coconspirators from the MacDougal Street Rent Party and from the Woody Guthrie Birthday Bash. Please feel free to sing along, unless he tells you otherwise, which he will very rarely, if ever, do. Kazoos, spoons, jugs, and Jew's harps are welcome, provided you really know how to play them.

Peoples' Voice Cafe website:

Lydia Adams Davis website:

Steve Suffet website:

Be there!

--- Steve