The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62028   Message #1066230
Posted By: Charley Noble
05-Dec-03 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: OZ Foray from Maine & Guam-Late November
Subject: RE: OZ Foray from Maine & Guam-Late November
Hi Gang-

Yes, we landed in dear old Maine last evening at 11 pm, Thursday, December 4th, 2003. Only about an hour later than scheduled but we FINALLY got out of Chicago, and they were so glad to get rid of us; at one point the folks at the gate desk offered to let us sing a few songs over their public address system to entertain everyone but Judy wisely pulled me back to my seat. So much for "Amelia Erhardt" and "Cowardly Act." We spent the night at a Portland airport hotel as Judy had a flight to catch this morning for a conference in Oklahoma. I needed to stick around and see if my banjo showed up on the next flight from Chicago, and it finally did and it was in perfect tune!

Now I'm back at the house, with a calcio long-haired cooncat purring in my lap. The other cat seems pleased to see me but is wondering WHAT I'VE DONE WITH JUDY. Dilbert the mouse was happy to get a pre-Christmas peanut, but probably would LOVE a chocolate Koala.

There's a huge box of mail to sort through, 3 weeks of newspapers, 185 e-mails but only 6 phone messages. Not bad!

We really had a wonderful time in Oz, our best vacation ever! And we'll think of you all fondly tomorrow as the promised snow storm fills up the walks and driveway, garnishes the trees, to welcome us home.

Now to download 999 digital images!

Charley Noble, back in Maine