The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13086   Message #106676
Posted By: Bill D
19-Aug-99 - 09:08 PM
Thread Name: Period Songs
Subject: RE: Period Songs
I avoided this thread for a couple of days, because I KNEW what I'd find..*grin* ..I was right...

I suspect there could be several doctoral theses written about the mythology/psychology of menstruation in human literature/folklore..(probably already are.)..Since a number of cultures imbue the subject with great significance, both positive & negative, it is hard to grow up with a neutral, matter of fact attutude about it.

The great collector of erotic literature, limericks, and jokes, G. Legman, said that his very favorite joke was on the subject, and he published a number of them in his books...

one example..'the class was studying punctuation, the teacher listed the major forms, then asked for a volunteer to come up and demonstrate one and tell why it was important. The famous 'Little Johnny' came up and put a dot on the blackboard. "What's that, Johnny".."That's a period, teacher."..."And why is it important?"..."Ummm...I'm not 'real' sure, teacher, but it must be. My sister said she was missing a couple, and my dad about had a heart attack!"