The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64835   Message #1066942
Posted By: Bobert
06-Dec-03 - 05:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should Bush be 'Recalled'?
Subject: RE: BS: Should Bush be 'Recalled'?
Well, Greenie me is amking a personal appeal to all of you who feel so strongly that Bush needs to go to be prepared to knock on doors, stuff envelopes or whatever is needed that you are capable of doing to make it happen. Imean, my least favorite possible nominee is Joe Leiberman but should he be nominated, I work in his campaine. Yep, I'll knock on doors for Joe just to get him elected... The afterwards, crawl back to my Green Party folks and start pokin' at poor ol' Joe to stand up and be a danged people's president, rather than a corporation man....

Hey, we gotta start somewhere...

And, Claymore, sorry you missed my point...
