The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64018   Message #1067198
Posted By: GUEST
07-Dec-03 - 09:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cheesecake recipe?
Subject: RE: BS: Cheesecake recipe?
Hey Donuel, I found this ........

"Liquid products that use aspartame have a short shelf life. This is because the aspartame slowly changes from the 10% methanol content into formaldehyde. Regardless, because once it is consumed there is NO natural antidote of ETHANOL (as there is in fresh fruit) to counter the methanol... so the liver readily changes it into formaldehyde. Then, if the formaldehyde doesn't get stored in the fat with a bit of water (that's called "weight gain"), the body changes it into formic acid (otherwise known as ant sting poison)."

Nice cocktail, eh?