The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13131   Message #106763
Posted By: Ivan McKeown
20-Aug-99 - 04:18 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Itty Bitty Fishes/ Three Little Fishies
Subject: RE: Itty Bitty Fishes
Here are the other verses for the fishy song (my kids get me to sing it to them all the time!

"Whoah!" said the mummy fishy "or you'll get lost" but the little biddy fishes didn'y want to be bossed so out of the pool in the meadow they swam, and they swam and they swam right over the dam. Chorus

"Wheee" said the little fishies, "this is such fun" "we'll swim in the sea til' oue days are done" So they swam and they swam and it was a lark, when all of a sudden they met a shark!

"Oh!" said the the little fishies, "look at the whales!" and quick as they could they turned on their tails and back to the pool in the meadow they swam, and they swam and they swam back over the dam. Chorus. Hope that improves the repitoire!!

By the way, do you know the word to " Two little boys had two little toys Each was a wooden horse." ?

This song was popularised by Rolf Harris in the '70's to early '80's.

Thanks. Grace and Peace.