The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65042 Message #1067680
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
08-Dec-03 - 04:39 AM
Thread Name: Origins: William (Leon Rosselson)
Subject: RE: Origins: leon rosselson : william
"The Word Is - Hugga Mugga Chugga Lugga Humbugga Boom Chit" issued on Trailer 1971 (which means it's now probably locked in a Harrogate cupboad.
Words and music are in the songbook "That's not the way it's got to be" (Sing publications).
I wouldn't call William a 'coward' but a decent, gentle human being coerced into battle by his family:
William for his gallantry Received the posthumous VC Ma and Pa were overcome with pride So we'll leave them there alone Regard these words on Will's headstone 'William lived for love, for love he died'.