The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3559   Message #1067720
Posted By: Klavdivs
08-Dec-03 - 07:33 AM
Thread Name: Woodford Folk Festival
Subject: RE: Woodford Folk Festival
Oh, it's such a pet(hate) topic for Queenslanders, I can't resist weighing in.

I agree with most of the above gripes about Woodford FF, and also agree with Richenda that it's an amazing, unique experience which everybody should do at least once.

But when you've done as many as me, and feel like a change, for a bit more comfort, and more predictable tunes, there are 3 alternatives, which all run concurrently with Woodford FF:

1. the Woody Head gathering, 70 kms north of Grafton, in a National Park van park on the beach. Extra plucking pheasant and relaxing.

2. Gulgong - civilised camping and dormitories, 3 mins max walk to all venues. Concerts, workshops and dances of course, and great singing sessions every night, (well last year there were).

3. Nariel creek - need I say more ? Just reminded of this one this evening by Corryong local Jamie Molloy, who's an organiser. he says Nariel these days is more compact than it was in it's "middle era", and it's only $20 camping fees for a week !! I haven't been for 20 years but I'm half thinking of making the pilgrimage. BUT i AM TORN BETWEEN THESE THREE, having enjoyed them each.

Anyway, best of British to Lawls in your first incumbency as El Pyromaniaco Supremo at WFF, but I'm headin' south.